Gestionar un
ahora es pan comido
Imagina tener TODO lo que tu restaurante necesita para gestionar menú, staff, clientes, pedidos, pagos, delivery, reservas, mesas, facturas y más, en un solo lugar. Y que buena parte de eso funcione en automático.
Imagina controlar todo esto en un único lugar
Write here about the most important product benefits.
Menú Digital
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
Código QR
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can
Dirección online
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
Aceptar pedidos
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can
Reserva de mesas
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
Pedidos anticipados
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
Pagos online
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
Whatsapp semiautomático con clientes
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
Gestión de Staff
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
Registro de clientes
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
Y aún hay más...
Explain exactly what this module will teach them, and use names of individual lessons if you can.
$ 35.00
Lo básico para agilizar
$ 70.00
¡Sencillo, rápido y efectivo!
$ 120.00
Para grandes equipos que no tienen tiempo que perder.
€ 350.00
Lo básico para agilizar
€ 700
¡Sencillo, rápido y efectivo!
€ 1200
Para grandes equipos que no tienen tiempo que perder.
Asómate a algunas funciones de nimboxMENU
Generador de QR personalizado
La huella de tu menú es única, así como el branding de tu empresa. Usa los colores de tu marca, da personalidad al QR eligiendo entre varios, tu estilo favorito.
Construye tu menú al detalle
Con opción de elegir extras, tamaños, tipos de base, o cualquier variante que manejes en cocina. Autocalcula el costo extra de ingredientes agregados, según tu elección
Así se ve nimboxMENU
Abre la cámara o tu app de escaneo, y prueba este código
Preguntas Frecuentes
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy
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